Plug In Plug Out / Plugin Interface for Processing Objects

Detailed Description

The PiPo API is composed of :


file  PiPo.h
 Plugin Interface for Processing Objects.
file  PiPoParallel.h
 PiPo dataflow graph class that encapsulates a parallel section of pipo modules.
file  PiPoSequence.h
 PiPo dataflow graph class that encapsulates a sequence of pipo modules.
file  RingBuffer.h
 ringbuffer class
file  PiPoCollection.h
 PiPo Module Collection.
file  PiPoGraph.h
 PiPo dataflow graph class that parses a graph description string and instantiates the corresponding graph of PiPos (made of PiPoSequence and PiPoParallel instances)
file  PiPoHost.h
 Plugin Interface for Processing Objects host class.
file  PiPoModule.h
 extension of PiPo for use in host apps