Plug In Plug Out / Plugin Interface for Processing Objects
PiPoOp Member List

This is the complete list of members for PiPoOp, including all inherited members.

clear(void) (defined in PiPoOp)PiPoOpinline
getInstanceName() (defined in PiPoOp)PiPoOpinline
getPiPo() (defined in PiPoOp)PiPoOpinline
instantiate(PiPo::Parent *parent, PiPoModuleFactory *moduleFactory) (defined in PiPoOp)PiPoOpinline
isInstanceName(const char *str) (defined in PiPoOp)PiPoOpinline
parse(std::string str, size_t &pos)PiPoOpinline
PiPoOp(unsigned int index=0) (defined in PiPoOp)PiPoOpinline
set(unsigned int index, PiPo::Parent *parent, PiPoModuleFactory *moduleFactory, const PiPoOp &other) (defined in PiPoOp)PiPoOpinline
setParent(PiPo::Parent *parent) (defined in PiPoOp)PiPoOpinline
~PiPoOp(void) (defined in PiPoOp)PiPoOpinline